
理事長の石原正三(いしはら しょうぞう)と申します。





 今後は、20世紀の幾何学者ハロルド・スコット・マクドナルド・コクセター(Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter)が鏡を抱えて各地を回って講演を行っていたように、私も、科学折り紙と実験機材を抱えて、科学教育活動と科学折り紙の普及活動に取り組みたいと考えていす。

NPO法人 科学芸術学際研究所ISTA(イスタ)
理事長 石原 正三(いしはら しょうぞう)

My name is Shozo Ishihara, the chairman of the board. In May of last year, following the retirement of the former chairman, Dr. Ryuji Takaki, I was appointed as the chairman of ISTA in the General Assembly, 2022. So, I am the third chairman, succeeding Dr. Toru Ogawa, the first one, and Dr. Ryuji Takaki, the second one.

Thinking back, in the fall of 2005, when I was asked by Dr. Ogawa, to exhibit Science Origami works at an exhibition of the Physical Society of Japan, I heard that scientists and artists had come together to establish an NPO, and it was the trigger to know ISTA. Around the same time, I received a request from Dr. Yasunari Watanabe, who served as the first secretary general of ISTA, to exhibit my origami models of fullerenes C60 and C70. At that time, I was busy with official duties at my current university, and I had to take care of my mother, so I couldn’t participate in ISTA. I joined ISTA in April, 2012, just after my mother’s death, thinking that I would like to start a new initiative. Since then, I have participated in the ISTA exhibition and ISTA Biennale as a member of the ISTA Board of Directors together with Drs. R. Takagi and Y. Watanabe.

Taking the opportunity of retirement, I wanted to work on science education and the popularization of Science Origami, and I wanted to start up my own citizen activity. With reference to the organization, I establish a new laboratory within ISTA and aim to network the activities based on the individual expertise of each member. In the center, I hope to integrate my activities in ISTA.

From now on, just like Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter, a 20th-century geometer, who carried a mirror around and gave lectures, I too will carry Science Origami works and experimental equipment, and I would like to work on science education activities and dissemination activities of Science Origami.

I don’t know how far I can achieve my dream, but I have taken the first step as chairman, so I would like to ask for everyone’s support for ISTA.

Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Science and Arts, ISTA
Chairman Dr. Shozo Ishihara